Kunstserie: LIFEFLOW

17. February 2024

sun seeker no. 2

Always see the positive. Find light in the darkness. See the window when all doors are closed. Be a sun seeker.

17. February 2024

sun seeker no. 1

Always see the positive. Find light in the darkness. See the window when all doors are closed. Be a sun seeker.

3. February 2024

life in bubbles

In the beginning was the word. Everyday countless words are spoken. Words change everything. Big words in our big wide world. And little words in every little bubble we create. Because actual life happens within those bubbles. Some people can easily reconcile the life they’ve created in their own bubble, with life outside of it….

1. September 2023

1000 Pathways

1000 crossroads and encounters Short Long Meaningful Meaningless And encounters that only become meaningful in hindsight Short moments that flew past Yet still are present for eternity What if? Not the question I want to ask yet in my mind I do nonetheless

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